Identifying Monsters

This is my response to the Friday Fictioneers prompt for June 13.

The challenge is to write a 100-word story inspired by the photo prompt.

Play along by writing your own, reading others and/or commenting on the flashes we fictioneers create.

My piece this week weighs in at exactly 100 words.

Copyright Claire Fuller

Copyright Claire Fuller

Identifying Monsters

“Tell me what the monsters look like, Grandpa.”

“Monsters come in lots of shapes and sizes, Billy.”

“Not everyone who looks scary is, right?”

“That’s right.”

“Like Grandma. She’s not scary, but the lump on her neck looks scary.”

Grandpa nodded.

“Are the men that wear suits and ties and talk on T.V. monsters?”

“Some of them.”

“But not all?”


“How can we tell who the monsters are?”

“You can’t trust your eyes. Look with your heart, Billy. Your heart knows Grandma isn’t a monster, and your heart will tell you when someone who doesn’t look scary really is.”

12 thoughts on “Identifying Monsters

  1. Oh so many men and women in suits truly are scary.

  2. Dear Marie Gail,

    One of my favorite quotes ever comes from the old comic strip character Pogo who said, “We have seen the enemy and he is us.”

    Monsters come in many shapes and sizes. Some of them are quite attractive, aren’t they? Nicely done.



    • storydivamg says:

      Thanks, Rochelle. I want to punch up the ending of this just a little, but this is what I could complete for FF. I plan on giving it a once over later on. Glad the story rang true for you.

      All my best,
      Marie Gail

  3. Sage advice _ I love the device of the grandfather and grandson, it works well.

  4. Marie Gail, Good story with great dialogue. The child has learned a good and useful lesson from his grandfather. Well written as usual. 🙂 —Susan

  5. Nan Falkner says:

    Dear Marie Gail, Your story is great, as usual, but it makes me think of ‘Life Lessons’ that are learned from the wisdom of knowing older people really well. Hey – I’m one of them, and it’s true, some of the ‘beautiful people’ are really MONSTERS and some of the ugly people are the kindest and most gracious people on earth! Excellent! Nan 🙂

  6. It’s good to teach children when they are young what to look out for. sometimes monsters can be quite stealthy.

Comments, compliments and constructive criticism are always welcome.