Blog Tour

Shortly after I reuinted with my friend Rochelle Wisoff Fields, she asked me to participate in this blog tour. Sounds fun, so thanks to Rochelle and her fine blog Addicted to Purple, here I am.

 What am I working on?

I’ve been working primarily as a freelance writer for over two years. Recently, I’ve begun working on more short fiction writing. I have a collection of jazz poetry that might be picked up shortly by a publisher. Meanwhile, I am also growing my collection of short stories. Who knows what the future holds? Given my adventures thus far, I’m certain it will involve healthy doses of creativity. Beyond that, I look forward to being surprised.

How does my work differ from others of its genre?

My poetry relies heavily on the rhythms of jazz and American roots music, a quality that I haven’t seen frequently in modern poetry. I’ve been asked if I count syllables. That’s a definite “no.” Instead, I often listen to music for hours before beginning to compose.

My short stories come from my life experiences and family stories that have become legend. Of course, I’m always careful to take my dad’s sister’s advice and “never let the truth get in the way of a good story.”

Why do I write what I do?

I write because if I stopped my heart would stop beating. Writing is to me as important as breathing, and it has been since I first picked up a pencil to write a Chronicles of Narnia fan fiction in the second grade.

 How does my writing process work?

I’ve mentioned how music inspires my poetry. For short stories, I often jump from a prompt given in a forum or writers’ group. Getting cold or taking a walk for some fresh air often prompts my muse when I have writers’ block. Most of my best work comes out all at once because I usually write the first few drafts in my head before putting pen to paper or fingers on a keyboard.

The end of my post is supposed to introduce three new bloggers who will be doing the tour next week. Unfortunately, I’ve had some difficulty locating participants, and my computer also died (a sad death) while I was preparing for this tour. Since I’ve managed to retrieve my file, I’m posting before I get the next three bloggers lined up. Stay tuned for more.

Pages from a Writer’s Notebook


Soon, I’ll be posting a blog entry on my writing process. It should have been up today, but I’m struggling with some final details. Have patience, and it will come.

Today, I’m working on prompts, specifically character prompts. Back in high school and college, my writing instructors recommended that I never leave home without a notebook. In it, they encouraged me to put notes about the interesting people and things I saw. My memory is such that I generally just filed the things I observed into my cranial files. Now that I’m pulling those files out more often, I thought I’d like to create a database of sorts in which to organize them. Then I thought that maybe other writers might like to see some of the characters I’ve encountered.

Over on Bubblews, I’ve started a series that plays on the pun of 400 characters (the site’s required length for any post). This will be a series of 80 posts, each of which includes descriptions of five different people that I’ve encountered. Feel free to pop by, read, and even use a few of the characters as prompts for your own creative works.

Here are links to the first two sets of five: